Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Wiz

I had a dream last night that the Wizard of Oz was written by Dr. Seuss. Jeremy and I were in it. Along with some of his friends from the boat. I remember seeing my parents in the audience. And during intermission we were talking to some people, and Jeremy realized he had only lived in our house one night....all the rest of the time, I had lived there. It was strange, but kind of true... I have spent more nights in this house than Jeremy has (because of his work schedule.) But that will change next year when he starts shore duty. YAY!


Jeff B's Blog said...

Hello again. It seems like we've chatted approx 1 yr ago.

Did you ask; "I'd love to go to Israel, but is it safe?"

I live in Jerusalem. I'm 56 yr old, divorced father of 3. I couldn't think of a safer place.

eg: drive to your local convenience store, with your kids in the car, motor running. Do you feel safe to run into the store for a carton of milk, with the kids in tow?

All Jewish adults LOVE children! The Christians here also.

Please come, you will be blessed!

Talpiot (Jerusalem)

SuperMommy said..., i never asked that question. who are you??