Saturday, March 8, 2008

Saturday night, once again

Well folks, its Saturday night... and I'm at home. AGAIN.

Evan and I went to get our hair cut this morning. He got a trim first and then my mom took him home. I got a hi-light and cut. It's pretty, but I'm not feeling pretty enough to take a picture right now, I'm a bit wind blown.

After I got back from my hair appointment, mom and I went to the new Ross, the new Target, Walmart, and DressBarn before coming home. I then rushed off with Evan to see Jeremy at the boat for dinner. However, that got cut short because the wind was blowing the water up and over the sub, so they had to close the hatch, and once they do that, they don't open it for nobody. So, I had to eat quickly, because we had like 20 minutes. It was CRAZY windy all day long!! I need to go get my car doors adjusted now because they are all out of whack. And in the morning, I have to go pick Jeremy up from the boat... whee fun. no sleeping in tomorrow. oh and by the way, its daylight savings time tomorrow.

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