Friday, February 29, 2008

Spam Myself?

I just checked my SPAM box. And, apparently I have started to send myself SPAMmail, why else would my inbox say "me" as the name?? (No, I'm not an idiot...I know its a spammer who's the idiot...but I wonder how many people would actually open an email that said it was from "me"??)

In other news, I saw an idiot on the road this morning...and another idiot (who probably just thought he was being a good samaritan) helping. The guy breaks down on the road, just past a highway on ramp, not 100 feet from a Rite Aid parking lot. HE STOPPED HIS CAR IN THE FREAKING ROAD to fix a flat!!! Why in the world would you risk your life, instead of driving on the flat 100 more feet and fixing it in the safety of a parking lot?? I just don't know about some people.

In other LESS BIZARRE news... I'm losing weight and my wedding rings are getting big on me! YAY!

ps- my kid is awesome and cute.

OnStar Ready

So- I totally thought hubby has been calling me for days now with an UNKNOWN number...but sadly, it was just OnStar conducting a survey...poopheads. I don't want to answer your stupid poophead onstar survey questions! You dashed my hopes of Jeremy calling me, but also made me happy that I hadn't missed his calls, but I also had to talk to Timmy who sounded all of 12 starting puberty!

I love my OnStar...HOWEVER... I did not love my conversation with Timmy.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Evan is finally in bed. That boy will fight sleep just to stay awake. He has really started to make me chuckle. He's such a great kid! I just can't stand it! He cute, funny, and there's just something about the way he smiles at me when I get him up in the mornings that melts my heart. :) I have an awesome kid!

brrr shivers


I just finished my IEP that I brought home to work on... and now I'm just lounging in my jammies, waiting for the heat to kick in. My rings are loose right now and its driving me bonkers. They're trying to be all spinny and such...

k, off to read now.


So... he ate wonderfully last night...and tonight, all he wants to do is play with the stupid spoon! He doesn't want a waffle, he doesn't want peas, he doesn't want fruit...all he wants is that spoon! kids. one is enough.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dream a little dream

I've been having strange dreams lately. I don't know why?? Maybe because I eat oatmeal for dinner? Last night, I dreamed that this guy I knew was going to a "fight" and his armor/protection, was a body covering made out of straws! And I left my socks at his house. And I forgot to lock my front door, so the whole time I at his house, I'm thinking someone's going to break into my house.


Monday, February 25, 2008

Bills, Bills, Bills

Don't the American Home Shield people know that if I had received the bill, I would have paid it? Idiots. They'll get their money on the 14th day from the letter, I'm not giving it to them any sooner. (Plus its the 1st business day after payday...)

Hey, check out my new site! And buy my stuff!! Mother's Day is coming up!! I have all of my original creations down at Seashore Florist. I've sold a couple pieces there. It's a pretty sweet deal. The jewelry doesn't have to sit in my house and collect dust until the next show I go to, and now I have a really awesome florist friend! (So, PS- order your flowers from there now!) I'm going to work on getting the pictures of the ORIGINAL pieces I've done up as soon as I can... but when you've only got a few hours a day to relax...relaxing comes first.

so, with that...I'm off to my bed.

Happy Sunday!

Went to church today and then to my mom's... that seems to be the routine. I feel so much less stress when I'm at her extra pair of hands is always welcome.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Jewelry maker

Hooray!!! The Valentine's Season came and went, and I have sold some jewelry at the shop! I'm so excited! I can hardly stand it. Hopefully more business will come through again sooooon!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Evan just ate blueberry and streusel muffins, fruit loops, and a graham cracker. And some juice, out of a big boy cup! He made a honkin' mess, but its okay, cuz he's eating real people food now!!!!

I still need to shower, get myself ready, get Evan ready, and get his lunch box ready....all in the next 1:30.

I need to go BACK to walmart, because I didn't realize that I was out of Raisin and Spice oatmeal!! I actually had to eat plain this morning!! EWW.

In other news, Jeremy comes home tomorrow...for a day or two. Then who knows how long he'll be gone.

So yeah, my this is my feeble attempt at getting back in the habit of blogging, however lame this post might truly be.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Big 4

Happy Anniversary to me... Jeremy and I made it to #4!!

Friday, February 8, 2008

I'm slacking...

I made it my New Year's resolution (or something) to blog again.

And here it is... Feb 8, and I've only written 1 other post besides this one.

...J left today...for who knows how long. So I REALLY get to be supermommy now. Welcome to the rollercoaster that is my life. BUT- he applied for shore duty orders the other day, and it looks like we'll be staying around here for at least another 3 years, or more if I get my way. (which I probably will.)

So- I guess I should go feed my kid or something.