Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hard to believe

I have actually almost made it to Evan's 1st birthday! YAY! Take that Mr. Evil Stress!!

In 1 year, I have...

sold and bought a new house
packed up a house
bought a new car
went back to work
hired contractors to renovate my new house (SuperMommy can't do it all...)
unpacked a house
packed up a classroom
spent an entire summer doing NOTHING, but still getting paid...
set up a new classroom at a new school
started teaching again
played plumber
played electrician
played carpenter
played interior designer
donated GOBS of stuff to charity
had Thanksgiving at my house for the first time
survived Evan's first Christmas
spent WAAAAYY too much on after-Christmas treasures
went to bed at 10 on New Years Eve
had New Years dinner at my house for the first time
had the most stressful work day ever (and i don't ever want to have another one)
...and now i've nearly finished decorating the office

i have a sore throat...thank goodness my milkshake is here now.