Tuesday, March 4, 2008

So yea, my job

I almost quit yesterday. But that's not the first time I've thought about doing it. There have been multiple times this year where I've said "I CAN'T TAKE THE PAPERWORK ANYMORE!!! I JUST WANT TO TEACH!!!" and then I meet my deadline and all is well, until another IEP creeps up. sneaky little buggers

I really do love my job. I love the kids. I love learning. But, I signed up to teach, not to push paper, and thats what I feel like I do. I think that school should be more developmental than it is. Have classes based on ability, not age. In my world, that's how it would be. It wouldn't matter that you were 9 and in the first grade, if thats what stage you're at, you're there. (Yes, I know there are other factors to take into account, but folks, this is my world we're talking about right now, not yours.)

So, instead of going to work, taking off to get Evan from school and go to his Dr. appt, I decided to relax today. I started the morning off (after I got home from taking Evan to school) by cleaning up the house. I took out all the trash, disinfected the trash cans, opened up the windows, turned on the fans, scrubbed the kitchen floor, and did a random load of laundry. Oh yeah, I vaccuumed too. I loathe vaccuuming, especially because I feel like my hardwood floors collect the most CRAP on them that I have ever seen! (NOTE TO SELF: Do not put hardwood floors throughout the entire house ever again.) They're pretty, but I don't know what I was thinking. THEN... here's the best part... I TOOK A NAP ON THE COUCH!!! I haven't done that in gosh knows how long. It was wonderful.

I think my crescent rolls are done baking. I'm going to eat all 8 of them.

*update: i DID eat all 8 of them. they were very tasty!

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