Friday, March 7, 2008

Conscious Discipline

We do Conscious Discipline at our school, which involves class meetings and problem resolution skill training. So, I find myself incorporating this philosophy into my parenting now. Like this afternoon, Evan was pinching and scratching me while I was changing his diaper. I found myself taking his hands and saying, "I don't like it when you scratch and pinch me." (All the while he's got the cutest grin on his face and it takes all that is in me to not bust a gut.) But- he's so stinkin' cute that its hard to tell him NO. And I don't want that to be a word he learns right away, so I figure if I phrase NO in the right way, he'll have a bigger vocabulary and he'll be able to express himself to others when they do something to him that he doesn't like (Mommy and Daddy included.)

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