Sunday, March 16, 2008 almost everybody.

So, we're using our tax return to pay off our credit card debt. I'm really excited, and I'm really bummed because I'd rather put the tax return money in the savings account...because, as I've mentioned previously, a second story addition costs LOTS of money.

In looking for alternate ways to lower our credit card debt, I found consumer credit debtIt's a website devoted strictly to helping people find ways to get rid of their credit card and other types of debt.

Our Credit Card Debt Solution
-Lower your interest rate
-Clean up your credit history and credit report
-Improve your credit rating and credit score
-Help you become debt free, for good!

They understand that its hard to manage your debt alone. They will work with you and your creditors to achieve financial freedom. I wish I had contacted them before I just paid off our credit cards. But- its not too late for you to contact them. Go check out Consumer Credit Debt!!

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