Friday, March 7, 2008

I want a DVD camcorder.

I'm looking to buy a DVD camcorder. I want to be able to record Evan doing cute stuff when Jeremy is out to sea so I can mail him DVDs to watch. Since we're on a submarine, we don't get the luxury of video conferencing and phone calls and pictures like the surface ships do. I could gripe about how stinky that is, but it wouldn't get me anywhere. So, being resourceful, I checked out this site Comp-U-Plus. They have got an AWESOME list of deals from camcorders, to LCD TVs, to handheld GPS receivers. They scour the internet looking to give YOU the consumer the best deal possible. What I like about them is that they have been selling on the internet since before the internet was cool...way back in 1993. AND- they've had over 2 million satisfied customers. They must be doing something right, eh? And if I don't like the DVD camcorder I order, they provide a 30 day money back guarantee.

Hopefully, I'll be able to afford a DVD camcorder soon (when the tax money comes??) and I will definitely check out Comp-U-Plus before I make my purchase!

*This is a sponsored post

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